
Meet Clement – Lead QA automation for digital BSS

Karla Tecanhuey
August 1, 2022
Automation testing helps QA teams to automate routine tasks and execute test cases at a scale that sometimes is not possible on a human level. Clément Valot share with us his thought and experience as Lead QA automation for digital BSS at triPica.

What are your daily tasks as a Lead QA automation for digital BSS?

My daily tasks include keeping track of the bugs found by the testers or the automated tests and their resolution, making sure the triPica digital BSS and its documentation are as pristine as possible for our clients, and of course the automation part: developing the Testing Robot and designing its tests, then running the automated tests campaigns.

I also occasionally take quick development assignments on the side, participating in debugging, code cleaning, or design processes.

What is the most challenging part about working in triPica?

The most challenging part of my daily assignments is technical: In charge of test automation, I had to find a testing software that could adapt to every triPica implementation and could test at various levels depending on the client:
public APIs, SDK, mobile app, and/or client-specific interfaces; and in fact, we could not find a testing framework that would meet all of triPica’s needs, so we had to create it!

We crafted a custom-made testing framework that follows triPica’s architecture, meets our QA needs, and can plug onto any triPica implementation, that I am in charge of designing, developing, improving, and running.

What is the best thing about working in triPica?

The team! I am not easy to deal with in a working environment on a daily basis, but I have found at triPica colleagues that not only listen to but encourage me to share both my ideas and concerns.

They also trust my experience and judgment even though I have not been working specifically in IT for long, compared to the rest of my professional life.

On top of that, I joined triPica in the middle of a pandemic when we all had to work from home, and they made sure I felt welcomed and wouldn’t be left alone and unguided when I started.

Learn more about triPica and our career opportunities here.

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Karla Tecanhuey

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